True Detective North Country—television
This is a weird-ass series—crime and fantasy melded together. I’m watching because Jodie Foster is always fascinating as an actor, and it’s a female-focused series with female protagonists, female creator, female director. Billie Eilish sings the theme song. Iceland is used as a substitute for Alaska and is endlessly bleak. There’s a mythology overlay from the indigenous peoples that, after three episodes, remains obscure but intriguing. Every character in this northern community has secrets and flaws. What’s not to like?
There are so many scattered pieces to this puzzle, I can hardly wait for the next episode to put a few more together, and yet the anxiety I feel about what’s happening makes this a series where episodic watching is best. To binge would create incredible stress-eating for me. I’m recording it to re-watch. Maybe I’ll binge it when I know how it all turns out. Better make cookies.